Page of Swords

The Page of Swords Tarot Card

The Page of Swords represents youthful curiosity, intellectual pursuit, and the eagerness to explore new ideas. Traditionally depicted as a young figure standing atop a windy hill, holding a sword upright with an alert and vigilant posture, this card symbolizes the beginning stages of mental development, communication, and the pursuit of truth.


  • Curiosity
  • Communication
  • Intelligence
  • Vigilance
  • Discovery


General Meaning:

From a general perspective, the Page of Swords explores the realm of mental awakening and the excitement of discovering new truths. It represents those moments when curiosity leads to discovery, when mental agility meets opportunity, and when clear communication opens new pathways. The card embodies the spirit of the eternal student, always ready to learn, observe, and share insights. However, it also suggests the need to balance enthusiasm with discretion, as the page's eagerness to share truth might sometimes lead to tactless communication.


In love contexts, the Page of Swords indicates a period of intellectual connection and curious exploration in relationships. It suggests approaching love with a fresh, inquisitive mindset, often manifesting as deep conversations, playful banter, and honest communication. For singles, it might represent meeting someone who stimulates their mind and curiosity, leading to engaging discussions and mental chemistry. In existing relationships, it signals a time of renewed intellectual connection, where partners rediscover each other through meaningful dialogue and shared learning experiences. The card also warns of potential immaturity in communication, where words might be wielded without full consideration of their impact.


In business and professional environments, the Page of Swords symbolizes new ideas, fresh perspectives, and the enthusiasm to learn and grow. It represents the energy of a keen intern, a promising new project, or an innovative approach to existing challenges. This card suggests a time of gathering information, conducting research, and developing new skills. It might indicate the presence of someone who brings fresh energy and new perspectives to the workplace, though sometimes with the impetuousness of youth. The card encourages embracing new learning opportunities while maintaining diplomatic communication.

The Page of Swords represents the fresh energy of intellectual pursuit and honest communication. Whether in love, business, or personal growth, it symbolizes the excitement of learning, the power of clear communication, and the importance of maintaining curiosity. While acknowledging the potential impetuousness of youth, the card celebrates the eternal student within us all, encouraging the pursuit of truth and knowledge with enthusiasm and vigilance.