King of Swords

The King of Swords Tarot Card

The King of Swords represents intellectual authority, mental mastery, and ethical leadership. Traditionally depicted as a crowned figure seated on a stone throne with a raised sword, often against a backdrop of turbulent clouds, this card embodies the highest expression of mental clarity, rational decision-making, and the power of truth wielded with wisdom.


  • Authority
  • Justice
  • Intelligence
  • Ethics
  • Leadership


General Meaning:

From a general perspective, the King of Swords explores the relationship between power, truth, and justice. He represents the mastery of mental faculties and the ability to use intellectual power for the greater good. The card embodies the principle that true authority comes not from force but from the combination of wisdom, ethical judgment, and clear communication. While he may appear stern, his decisions stem from a place of impartial justice and the desire to uphold truth and order.


In love contexts, the King of Swords indicates a relationship dynamic governed by logic, clear communication, and ethical principles. He represents the ability to maintain objectivity in emotional situations, making decisions based on what is right rather than what feels comfortable. For singles, this card suggests attracting or being attracted to partners who value intellectual connection and ethical behavior above emotional intensity. In existing relationships, it emphasizes the importance of fair-minded leadership, truthful communication, and making decisions based on long-term wisdom rather than short-term emotional satisfaction. While this approach might sometimes seem detached, it creates relationships built on mutual respect and clear understanding.


In business and professional environments, the King of Swords symbolizes leadership through wisdom, strategic thinking, and ethical authority. He represents the ideal of the just and capable leader who makes decisions based on careful analysis and principled reasoning. This card suggests success through maintaining high professional standards, making impartial decisions, and leading with both intelligence and integrity. The king's energy particularly excels in roles requiring strategic vision, ethical leadership, and the ability to make difficult decisions while maintaining fairness.

The King of Swords represents the pinnacle of intellectual authority and ethical leadership. Whether in love, business, or personal life, he symbolizes the power of combining mental clarity with principled action. While acknowledging that truth and justice might sometimes require difficult decisions, the card celebrates the importance of ethical leadership and the strength found in maintaining unwavering principles while wielding power with wisdom.