The Lovers

The Lovers Tarot Card

The Lovers (VI) depicts a naked man and woman standing beneath an angel in a paradise-like setting. The angel, often identified as Raphael, blesses their union from above. Behind the man stands a tree with flames (representing passion), and behind the woman, a tree with a serpent (representing knowledge). This imagery represents both the biblical story of Adam and Eve and the concept of divine love and important life choices.











General Meaning:

The Lovers represents choices, harmony, and connections. It symbolizes important decisions that align with our highest values and true self. While often associated with romantic love, it more broadly represents alignment, partnerships, and choosing between different life paths. This card suggests a time of making significant choices that will have long-lasting effects on our life journey.


In matters of love, The Lovers is one of the most powerful and positive cards. It indicates deep connections, soulmate relationships, and harmonious partnerships. For singles, it can suggest meeting someone significant or making important choices about relationships. In existing relationships, it indicates strong bonds, renewed commitment, and making important joint decisions. It can also represent reaching a deeper level of understanding and connection with your partner.


In professional matters, The Lovers often represents important business partnerships, successful collaborations, or crucial career choices. It suggests decisions that require carefully weighing options and choosing alignment with your values over immediate gains. This card is particularly favorable for creative partnerships, contract negotiations, or situations requiring harmony between different parties. It can also indicate job offers or career paths that align with your true purpose.

The Lovers represents more than just romantic love - it embodies the principle of meaningful choice and alignment with our highest truth. When this card appears, it often signals a time of significant decision-making that requires us to listen to both our heart and our values. The card reminds us that our choices shape our destiny and that true harmony comes from making decisions that align with our authentic self. Whether in love, career, or personal growth, The Lovers asks us to choose consciously and to recognize the power and responsibility that comes with our choices. It suggests that the decisions we face now have the potential to create beautiful harmony in our lives if we choose with awareness and integrity.