1 Rider

🏇 The Rider (1) depicts a horseman on a moving horse, usually shown delivering a message or news. The card often features the rider in motion, suggesting swift movement and approaching information or events. The horse and rider are typically depicted in profile, indicating forward movement and purposeful direction.














General Meaning:

The Rider represents news, messages, and new arrivals coming into your life. It indicates movement, changes, and information that is on its way to you. This card suggests quick developments and often points to something or someone coming into your life soon. The Rider brings a sense of momentum and forward movement to any situation it appears in.


In matters of love, the Rider often indicates new romantic interests or news about relationships. It can suggest an approaching suitor, news from a love interest, or developments in your romantic life. For those in relationships, it might indicate new phases or important messages from your partner. The Rider can also represent someone who comes into your life quickly but may not stay long - think of a "knight in shining armor" energy. It's particularly significant when discussing first meetings, dating, or receiving news about relationship matters.


In professional matters, the Rider often indicates business news, new opportunities, or incoming offers. It can represent job offers, business proposals, or important work-related messages. The card suggests quick developments in business matters and can indicate successful negotiations or contracts coming your way. It's particularly favorable for sales, communications, delivery services, or any business requiring quick responses and movement.

The Rider is a dynamic card that essentially serves as the Lenormand's messenger. It brings an energy of movement, newness, and incoming information to any reading. Unlike tarot cards which often deal with deeper psychological or spiritual meanings, the Rider is very practical and literal - it simply means that something or someone is coming your way.


When the Rider appears in a reading, it often signals that you should prepare for news or changes that will arrive quickly. The news is usually positive or neutral, rather than negative, and tends to set things in motion. The Rider asks us to be ready for quick developments and to stay alert for incoming messages or opportunities.


This card reminds us that change and movement are constant in life, and that we should remain open to new information and developments. Whether in love, business, or general matters, the Rider suggests staying receptive to new opportunities and being ready to act when they arrive. It's a card of action and forward momentum, encouraging us to embrace the dynamic nature of life and be ready for whatever news or changes are galloping our way.


The Rider's energy is distinctly different from similar cards in tarot - it's more immediate, practical, and specific. While it can indicate significant changes like tarot's Major Arcana cards might, its focus is specifically on news, messages, and literal arrivals rather than deeper transformative experiences.

Noun Adjective Timing Energy
message, visitor, movement swift, dynamic, energetic 1 day or very soon positive/neutral